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  • Writer's pictureThe Eli's Park Project

Today is the Day

Renovations on Pathways Park are starting today!

So many of us have come together to build an inclusive community, a common vision and a plan for a park for us all. And today, over six years and $6 million dollars later, the actual building begins!

We are super lucky to add Bayshore Construction to our team to lead the renovations. Their experience is matched by their enthusiasm and we're grateful that the future of Pathways Park is in such capable, committed hands.

It will be challenging to have the park closed during construction. When you see those chain link fences, close your eyes and picture the rainbow snags, sensory garden, treehouse, custom art pieces, parallel pathways and so much more. Remember that soon, the entire park will be accessible to us all. Wave to our contractors, smile at each other and hop on the Burke-Gilman Trail to explore new parks and play areas. It's going to be worth the wait!


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