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  • Writer's pictureThe Eli's Park Project

And, Rainbow Snags?

Updated: Mar 23, 2021

Our design team is still working hard to further develop the concepts we shared at our last meeting. Here’s a sneak peak into how your feedback is informing the park design.

This sketch is of a Treehouse Overlook, by Clayton Beaudoin, one of the talented and passionate landscape architects leading our design team. You can see from his drawing and notes the care and concern that goes into every detail of design development. Each component is vigilantly checked against your feedback, which is our true north. We're prioritizing the things that you've shared matter most to you: physical accessibility, immersive nature experiences, emotional belonging, artful design and opportunities to find both peace and community. Our incredible designers are carrying your hopes in their hearts and are beginning to put them on paper. We think the plans are looking amazing! What do you think? We cannot wait until we can gather in person to get your feedback on all the latest ideas. Until then, we’ll be sharing little previews of potential features and asking for your input. Please send any feedback you have to Our design team reads and considers every, single comment.

*All designs are still under development. We are collaborating closely with Seattle Parks and Recreation to ensure our plans meet their standards and can be maintained beautifully for many years to come.


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